Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Not A Word

October 21st-28th, 2018

The muddy teal sky awakened to a crisp blue only the cool weather can provide. Lord transform my heart into beauty too. Brighten my day to light and grace. Teach me to need you, to be safe in vulnerability, teach me to grow in love. Amen

Visio Divina
is a meditative/prayer practice that opens the heart and soul to connect with God through images

Readings for Reflection
Use an additional resource like the Upper Room or any devotionals you prefer.

No One Spoke A Word    Job 2:13
 Then they sat on the ground with him for seven days and seven nights. No one said a word to him, because they saw how great his suffering was.

Sometimes there are no words. Sometimes grief and sorrow are so overwhelming there is nothing to say. We live at a time when it seems everybody is shouting and nobody is listening. Real listening requires an emptying, a surrender, patience, sight, and soul. When we really listen we stop thinking about what we will say next, what our thoughts are and changing the subject. Listening is a surrender to the other. To listen well we need patience and an ability to observe the other. What does their body, their expressions reveal about what they are saying. Most of all real listening is a companioning with another. It requires opening our hearts to hear and know another’s pain, fear, loss, and disappointments. Real love is often spoken without words. It is expressed by being there. Ann

Daily Scripture Reading
You may also like Lectio Divina (audio Lectio) a focused reading and meditation of scripture.

Abiding in The Spirit
           * Find your quiet center, empty your mind, and be present to hear the voice of God. Color, write in a journal, listen to music, use prayer beads to help your focus. Concentrate upon what God is calling you to understand, change, make, explore

Prayers of Intercession
pray for those who are upon your heart. Lift them up to God and his mercy, compassion, and love.

Set a reminder to pray throughout the day. Embrace the breath of prayer, release your burdens, be thankful. Recall today’s readings, the Visio Divina and meditate upon them and how they are affecting your day

Lord of breath, of my beating heart, I seek your peace. Take me from the demands of this day, let me rest in your presence and regain my focus upon you, your love upon me, your love within me, your love to share. Amen

To grow in faith and understanding of God, ourselves, and others it helps to evaluate ourselves, hold ourselves accountable, challenge ourselves. In your personal growth in faith and Christian action evaluate how you lived in love of God, others, and self today.

Abiding in The Spirit*

Weariness grows upon the world. The sun is setting to journey beyond our sky and the drapes of gray and deepest blue punctuate the flames of stars far away. Bring me closer to you. Enflame my life and heart to glow in your light. Set the days regrets beyond my heart, vanquished by your grace. Cloak me in your Spirit of love that I may rest and sleep Amen

Thursday, October 11, 2018

God Will Give You More Than You Can Handle

October 14th-21st, 2018

Father this morning begins with tears of remembrance. A shadow of loss crossing my thoughts. Yet in your grace I know life, love, and hope. I embrace the eternal joy of promise and light of grace. I pray your grace of peace comforts all who begin their day in gloom or sorrow. May your word bring color to my heart and the day ahead. I pray in wonder and awe to the one of life-giving sacrifice, and your power to transform the world. In the love of Christ and Holy Spirit I pray, Amen

Visio Divina
is a meditative/prayer practice that opens the heart and soul to connect with God through images

Are you feeling tested?
Are you guessing at all the answers and feeling lost?
Consider your faith and vulnerability. How can God, Christ, and Holy Spirit help you find the answers?

Readings for Reflection
Use an additional resource like the Upper Room or any devotionals you prefer.

God Will Give You More Than You Can Handle
     We often hear the people quote “God won’t give us anything we can’t handle”. But he absolutely does. We all face devastating events and situations in our lives. Death, starvation, genocide, floods, and droughts surround us and prey upon us.We encounter financial problems, addictions, illness, doubts, oppression, and violence. I would argue that God doesn’t punish and choose us individually to suffer. But in our suffering, in our inadequacies we will come to a point, the darkest bottom, when we cannot handle things. It is here we have no where else to turn. It is in God that we find hope. We find hope knowing that Christ knew and experienced every test. In our inability to handle things we understand humility, need, mercy, and compassion. We become greater than we have been and grow in faith and love. We find in our need that God provides others to help us through the muck and dispair. In the test of life the overwhelming answer is always choosing C and G to overcome with faith, Spirit, and grace.

Daily Scripture Reading
You may also like Lectio Divina a focused reading and meditation of scripture.

Abiding in The Spirit
           * Find your quiet center, empty your mind, and be present to hear the voice of God. Color, write in a journal, listen to music, use prayer beads to help your focus. Concentrate upon what God is calling you to understand, change, make, explore

Prayers of Intercession
pray for those who are upon your heart. Lift them up to God and his mercy, compassion, and love.

Set a reminder to pray throughout the day. Embrace the breath of prayer, release your burdens, be thankful. Recall today’s readings, the Visio Divina and meditate upon them and how they are affecting your day

Lord of my day, grace of life and soul, I pause to encounter you. I come to remember your presence and power in my life and in the world. Correct my path where it has strayed. Embolden my heart with love and patience, strength, and hope. Amen

To grow in faith and understanding of God, ourselves, and others it helps to evaluate ourselves, hold ourselves accountable, challenge ourselves. In your personal growth in faith and Christian action evaluate how you lived in love of God, others, and self today.

Abiding in The Spirit*

Fading light and cooling breeze bring rise to the sounds of night. Cricket songs, corn whispers, and the bark of dogs travel upon the air. The light of home and hearth glow in the distance blurred by gossamer cloths of privacy. Lord of the precious night and golden dreams bring rest to my mind and heart. Set within my soul the serenity of your grace and the hope that comes in the dawning. Amen

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Magic Slate

October 7-14th, 2018

I awake to the morning with all the possibilities it contains. I seek you Lord in my possibilities and choices. Guide me in my prayers to hear you, trust in you, love you. Help me to understand your Word for my day and how to grow in love. Calm my heart, heal my soul, reveal your love. Amen

Visio Divina
is a meditative/prayer practice that opens the heart and soul to connect with God through images

As you view this splatter think of how it resonates within you.
What does it represent to you? Think about how to remove any stains upon your soul. Pray to God for forgiveness.

Readings for Reflection
Use an additional resource like the Upper Room or any devotionals you prefer.

The Magic Slate

Do you remember those wax boards covered in a wax paper? You could draw and write on them and then lift the paper to remove your mistakes. I was surprised that it is hard to find them. A good one on the cheap anyway. This type of writing pad has been around for thousands of years. the writing was done in Clay or  wax with a stylus and then smoothed when lessons were over. Now we have magnetic ones and electronic ones. But there was something “magical” about the magic slate. There was something satisfying about lifting that paper and hearing the release from the wax and having a clean slate. The kids today have scratch-off boards. we used to make those too. We would color a paper with crayons and paint it black. Then scratch the paint a way to reveal the colors underneath. Both these toys remind me of the grace and love of God known through Jesus. It is Christ that can remove any stain, clear the slate, and scratch off the darkness to reveal our colors. Ann
Daily Scripture Reading
You may also like Lectio Divina a focused reading and meditation of scripture.

Abiding in The Spirit
           * Find your quiet center, empty your mind, and be present to hear the voice of God. Color, write in a journal, listen to music, use prayer beads to help your focus. Concentrate upon what God is calling you to understand, change, make, explore
Prayers of Intercession
pray for those who are upon your heart. Lift them up to God and his mercy, compassion, and love.
Virtues to Live by
Consider what you can do to live out each virtue this week. How will you  love God, neighbor, self more each day?


Father of rustling corn and gray skies, creator of autumn color and bountiful harvest guide me as I leave this time of special presence. Set me on a path of love and sacrifice choosing you and love before all other things. Let me always err on the side of grace and love. Amen

Set a reminder to pray throughout the day. Embrace the breath of prayer, release your burdens, be thankful. Recall today’s readings, the Visio Divina and meditate upon them and how they are affecting your day

Father of time, strength, will, and purpose, I pause to rest in your presence. I abide in prayer to know your love and power and to be reset on the possibilities for this day. Bring to my heart my promises to love and serve and embolden my words and actions to live that promise. Amen

To grow in faith and understanding of God, ourselves, and others it helps to evaluate ourselves, hold ourselves accountable, challenge ourselves. In your personal growth in faith and Christian action evaluate how you lived in love of God, others, and self today.

Prayer              Scripture          Service                       Compassion
Worship           Forgiveness     Commitment   Repentance

Abiding in The Spirit*

Evening love falls upon the earth as a flannel blanket darkens the day to dusky night. The day past rest upon me in weariness to sleep. I think of all the day contained and contemplate where I was love and where I was not. Forgive my lapses and think only of those moments I was in your grace. I pray the sleep you provide brings beauty and strength that peace may begin my day as the rise of grace lights the world. Amen