Tuesday, September 11, 2018


September 16-23rd, 2018

Lord of all creation and life, I arise this day and absorb the sight of your splendor and feel joy within my heart. I am amazed at the subtle changes that have grown to reveal the changing season. The coolness of the night, the dampness of ground, and colors that surround are all beautiful gifts of your grace. Open my heart to this beauty as I pray, meditate, and seek you in my morning. Amen

Visio Divina
is a meditative/prayer practice that opens the heart and soul to connect with God through images

Take time to consider this image.
Why are the words white and the background black?
How do you fill in the blank?

Readings for Reflection
Use an additional resource like the Upper Room or any devotionals you prefer.

Becoming     Mark 8: 27-38
Who do you say that I am? How do we define ourselves and each other? What criteria do we use to decide who we and others are? We are all so multifaceted with many roles and different responsibilities. But, the central core of who we are remains solid and defining no matter what hat we find ourselves wearing. I have been playing with an idea of self-examination from the Funeral Home perspective, or “It’s A Wonderful Life” lense. We are not defined by others by the empty, fleeting things of life. We are known by our character and how we interact and treat other people. People do not concentrate on our cars, homes, hair, weight, or clothes when we are gone. It is how we treat others and how we make them feel and prosper that people embrace. In the book of Exodus God tells us his name is “I Am”. It means existing or becoming. As Christians we are always becoming- more loving, more grace-filled, more Christ-like. I am becoming love.

Daily Scripture Reading
You may also like Lectio Divina a focused reading and meditation of scripture.

Abiding in The Spirit
           * Find your quiet center, empty your mind, and be present to hear the voice of God. Color, write in a journal, listen to music, use prayer beads to help your focus. Concentrate upon what God is calling you to understand, change, make, explore
Prayers of Intercession
pray for those who are upon your heart. Lift them up to God and his mercy, compassion, and love.
Virtues to Live by
Consider what you can do to live out each virtue this week. How will you  love God, neighbor, self more each day?
LOVE GOD,                LOVE NEIGHBOR
HUMILITY                  SELF- CONTROL

Gentleness is a sense of trust in God that allows us to remove the sharp edges of life. It is a calmness, a peace, a softness of thought, action, and word that supports the life-giving and positive reflection of grace.

Let your love be the motive of all we do today with our understanding, our health, our time, and all other talents you have given us. Glory to you, O most adorable Father (Wesley 2012).

Set a reminder to pray throughout the day. Embrace the breath of prayer, release your burdens, be thankful. Recall today’s readings, the Visio Divina and meditate upon them and how they are affecting your day
Father of all breath, I fill my lungs with your life-giving breath and soul saturating Spirit. I breathe in the power of your love and exhale the needless waste of my thoughts and clinging concerns. I breathe in my trust and vows to you my God, and exhale all of my being that struggles against your grace. Amen

To grow in faith and understanding of God, ourselves, and others it helps to evaluate ourselves, hold ourselves accountable, challenge ourselves. In your personal growth in faith and Christian action evaluate how you lived in love of God, others, and self today.

Prayer              Scripture          Service                       Compassion
Worship           Forgiveness     Commitment   Repentance

Abiding in The Spirit*

My Father of love and peace I give my day to you. I give all my love and the moments of love I shared with others. I in my shame give the moments I failed to love. Forgive me these moments of ugliness and selfishness. Lead me into this night of rest and dreams to be enfolded in the warmth of your love. “O Shepherd of Israel, graciously receive us this night and ever into your protection. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen” (Wesley 2012).

Works Cited

Wesley, John. 2012. 30 Days with Wesley: A Prayer Book. Beacon Hill Press Kindle Edition.


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