Wednesday, March 14, 2018

March 18-25th

March 18-25th

is meditative/prayer practice that opens the heart and soul to connect with God through images.

 1 Corinthians 13: 6-7
but truth— yes, truth— is love’s delight! 7Love puts up with anything and everything that comes along; it trusts, hopes, and endures no matter what. The Voice Translation

As you look at this image contemplate how this scripture speaks to you.
How does this image convey truth, trust, hope, and endurance?
How does this image represent the love described 1 Corinthians?


God of infinite love,
I open your gift of this day in excitement and wonder.
What will be held within the hours, that connects me
to you in new ways and in new understandings? I center
myself into your presence to know your voice in my life and
follow your Word. Amen

Use an additional resource like the Upper Room or any devotionals you prefer.

The Song That Never Ends
My kids used to watch a show called Lambchop’s Play Along. The show would end with the song “The Song That Never Ends”. A song that would go on and on and on and on. It was an earworm that was very hard to overcome.
1Corinthians 13:6b-7 tells us that love bears, hopes, endures, and trusts all things. In the Greek, the word “things” is added. It says love endures all, hopes all, trusts all, bears all. There is no end to love. Like the song, it goes on and on and on and on.This love of God for us is the love we are to reflect to others. It becomes a heart song that sings within us the unending limits of true love found in Christ.

You may also like Lectio Divina a focused reading and meditation on scripture. 

Virtues To Guide Your Week
Consider what you can do to live out each virtue this week. How can you love your neighbor?
How will you deny yourself? How will you be thankful?

love of God- Sunday                 
love of neighbor -Monday         
humility -Tuesday                     
self-denial -Wednesday and Friday
resignation and meekness -  Thursday
and thanksgiving - Saturday 
 Heitzenrater, Richard P. (2013-08-20). Wesley and the People Called Methodists

           * Find your quiet center, empty your mind, and be present to hear the voice of God. Color, write in a journal, listen to music, use prayer beads to help your focus. Concentrate on what God is calling you to understand, change, make, explore…...

Abiding God, I seek to stay within your loving presence. Safe in your Spirit and enfolded in your mercy. Set me forth into this day full of your grace, and love so that I may be
challenged to set myself aside and share with others my love for you.

Set a reminder to pray throughout the day. Embrace the breath of prayer, release your burdens, be thankful. Recall today’s readings, the Visio Divina and meditate upon them and how they are affecting your day.

Lord of endlessness,
I wait in this moment to know you continually. To embrace your forever love and grow in that love of all  Amen


Questions for Day that has Past 
It is important to reflect upon our day and where we may be more present in our faith and more expressive in sharing what we know of God’s grace with others. These questions are in response to what God begins with us.
God is the force to which we respond.  We live in response  to his love given through Christ.

Did I grow in my disciplines to prayer, scripture, and devotion to God?
Did I in some way put God and others before myself in how I lived today?
Did I live out the virtue of this day?
Did I love better today?
What do I regret today?
What will be my goal for tomorrow?



Creator of the day and of the night, forgive me for those thoughts, actions, attitudes, and words that were hurtful to you, others, and myself today. Bring to me the hope of your salvation and grace, that I may be renewed in your forgiveness, rejuvenated by rest, and upheld in your love. So that I may live tomorrow in greater response to your endless grace. Amen


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