Thursday, April 5, 2018


April 8th-15th
John 20:22-23

Welcome the Holy Spirit of the living God. 23You now have the mantle of God’s forgiveness.
 As you go, you are able to share the life-giving power to forgive sins or to withhold forgiveness.


is meditative/prayer practice that opens the heart and soul to connect with
God through images.

As you look at this image contemplate how this scripture speaks to you.
How does this image convey God’s power?
How does this image portray the release or withholding of forgiveness?
Why are the shackles broken?


Father of the dawning day, the sower of grace and love.
This day begins with its ordinary, routine, and expected. What do you hold in your power that will change my focus, my desires, my passions? Provoke me to faith and love as I enter your Word. Amen

Use an additional resource like the Upper Room or any devotionals you prefer. 
The Power of Forgiveness
Our Scripture this week comes from John 20:19-31. Jesus arrives in the upper room the night of the resurrection. His hands remain pierced but healed. He makes a statement about forgiveness. “If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained." We can appreciate this statement in relationship to our ability to forgive. We are freed when we forgive and imprisoned when we do not. But what if this statement is more powerful than that? Jesus heals through forgiveness. Faith forgives sin. The disciples have just received the Holy Spirit. Jesus is calling them to heal the world. To bring people into wholeness, grace, love. As Easter people what is our call to forgive, heal, resurrect in our community? As individuals what are we to release so that we may bring wholeness to others. We remain scarred, but powerful in our witness to faith, love, and grace. Ann

You may also like Lectio Divina a focused reading and meditation of scripture. 

Virtues to Guide Your Week
Consider what you can do to live out each virtue this week. How can you love your neighbor? How will you deny yourself? How will you be thankful?

love of God- Sunday                 
love of neighbor -Monday         
humility -Tuesday                      
         self-denial -Wednesday and Friday
         resignation and meekness -  Thursday
        and thanksgiving - Saturday 

                                                 Heitzenrater, Richard P. (2013-08-20). Wesley and the People Called Methodists

           * Find your quiet center, empty your mind, and be present to hear the voice of God. Color, write in a journal, listen to music, use prayer beads to help your focus. Concentrate upon what God is calling you to understand, change, make, explore…...

Grace of love, of Christ, of Spirit, take me from this time of sweetness and light, wisdom and inspiration into the day. May the adventure of life bring me closer to knowing your love and developing my faith so that I may be one who heals and forgives in the name of Christ. Amen

Set a reminder to pray throughout the day. Embrace the breath of prayer, release your burdens, be thankful. Recall today’s readings, the Visio Divina and meditate upon them and how they are affecting your day.

Breath of heaven, of spirit and love, I intake your power and open my inner self to know, remember, awaken, to your peace, and joy. I release the negative things that cling to me and forgive the actions of others that wound my soul. I pray for them in love and pray for myself to grow in your grace. Amen


Questions for Day that has Past 
It is important to reflect upon our day and where we may be more present in our faith and more expressive in sharing what we know of God’s grace with others. These questions are in response to what God begins within us.God is the force to which we respond.  We live in response to his love given through Christ.

Did I grow in my disciplines to prayer, scripture, and devotion to God?
Did I in some way put God and others before myself in how I lived today?
Did I live out the virtue of this day?
Did I love better today?
What do I regret today?
What will be my goal for tomorrow?



Lord, I hunger for spring breezes and the gentle bouquet of flowers. I long for the freedom of shirtsleeves and the whisper of air upon me. I ache for the beginnings found in your forgiveness and the freedom to be healed from the winter darkness. Lord, your Son of life, of spring, of new beginnings, has forgiven me. I lay my heart before you to be washed, renewed, and healed. Amen.


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