Thursday, January 25, 2018

Daily Devotional Guide
January 28th – February 4th, 2018
Mark 1:21-27
is meditative/prayer practice that opens the heart and soul to connect with God through images.
How does this image speak to you about faith, purpose? Reading Mark 1:21-27 what impressions
come to you in relationship to this image. Can you place yourself in this picture?
Does something disturb you about this image? What do you think God is revealing to you?


Lord of light and wakeful breath. I pray to you as I awaken to this
day of promise, beauty, challenges, and life in grace. Cleanse me
from the darkness of human thoughts, instill within me your word
of love and mercy. Seep within my marrow the grace of Christ’s
life, forgiveness, and purpose. Lead me in response to my gratefulness to
your grace to be the light that changes others to see you and know you.

Use an additional resource like the Upper Room or any devotionals you prefer.

Are You Here to Kill Us?
You are standing among some people listening to a stranger speak.
They are compelling and moving you to new thought. Of course
the natural response is to ask if they are there to kill you. We
read this section of Mark thinking this is a story of Jesus’
power over demonic possession and move on. It certainly couldn’t be
about us who are not possessed. So, we consider the awesome
power of Jesus understanding he is awesome and move on. Another
interpretation is that this man is suffering from epilepsy or another
form of illness not understood in that time. Jesus heals him of his illness.
Again, cool Jesus is awesome. But what if he is there to kill them.
What if this scripture is about us. What if Jesus is there to kill the
confused and erroneous teachings of the Hebrew religious/political
system and introduce new life to everyone? What if Jesus is inviting
everyone to die into a new birth of spirit and truth. What if this
is really about us, and Jesus is here to kill you-

You may also like Lectio Divina a focused reading and meditation of scripture. 

Virtues for Prayer Each Day of The Week:

love of God- Sunday                 
love of neighbor -Monday         
humility -Tuesday                     
self-denial -Wednesday and Friday
resignation and meekness -  Thursday
and thanksgiving - Saturday 
 Heitzenrater, Richard P. (2013-08-20). Wesley and the People Called Methodists

           * Find your quiet center, empty your mind, and be present
to hear the voice of God. Color, write in a journal, listen to music,
use prayer beads to help your focus. Concentrate upon what God
 is calling you to understand, change, make, explore…...

Sending Prayer
Lord, kill my stubbornness, selfishness
and hate. Steep me in love, joy, awe, and
beauty. Open my eyes to see others in your
love. Open my heart to move in mercy and
compassion toward all people. Lead me. Amen
Set a reminder to pray throughout the day.
Embrace the breath of prayer, release your burdens,
be thankful. Recall today’s readings, the Visio Divina
and meditate upon them and how they are affecting your day.
Father of time, my day speeds past in work,
and tasks. Obligations cling and claw in demand
of mind and action. Pressure, stress, pursue to
overwhelm me. Lord, in this moment I pray
for peace, light, and to focus in your love. Kill
my ugly humanity and bring alive within me the
beauty of my soul found in your grace. Amen


Questions for Day that has Past 
It is important to reflect upon our day and where we may be more present
in our faith and more expressive in sharing what we know of God’s grace with others.
These questions are in response to what God begins within us.
God is the force to which we respond
God is first. We live in response to his love given through Christ.

Did I love God in prayer with thankfulness and openness?
How will I love God more tomorrow?
Did I love others and share the beauty of God?
Was I generous with my time and resources?
Did I grow in faith?
Did I grow in love for God and others today?
Did I extend the forgiveness of Christ that I desire to receive?
Did I take time to appreciate all God has provided?
Did I love God through creative praise?


God of my ending day. My painter of evening light clear
winter skies and stunning stars I pray for forgiveness for
all I have failed to appreciate today. I pray for forgiveness for
my recklessness, my failure to place you as my guide and foundation,
my failure to love. As you continue in creating this night I pray
your peace finds me. Your Spirit sooths me, and Your grace
hold me in deepest sleep that I may awaken in your love
to grow in love for you and others.  Amen

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

January 21-28th, 2018

Daily Devotional Guide
January 21-28th, 2018


is meditative/prayer practice that opens the heart and soul to connect with God through images.
How does this image speak to you about faith, purpose? Where are you in this picture?
Are you showing, eager to see, or hanging back. What is God revealing to you through this image?


Lord of rising sun and foggy morn, I open myself to you. I give my love and gratitude
for this day and your abundant grace. I ponder the course of this day and the
challenges that will come. I wonder at the unexpected beauty and blessings that will also find me.
I yearn to see and to prevail through the miracle of this day. 
I pray to know your Spirit in all my hours and moments 
and to grow and be love, your love in my living of this day. Amen

Use an additional resource like the Upper Room or any devotionals you prefer.

It Was the Best of Times and It Was the Worst Of Times,
it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,
it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity,
it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness,
it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair,
we had everything before us, we had nothing before us,
we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way
Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities.
Mark 1:14-15
After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee,
proclaiming the good news of God. 
 “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has
come near. Repent and believe the good news!”
Christ calls us to the good news of God’s grace for all who
believe and accept his gift of righteousness. It is a time
of wisdom, belief, light and hope for every life centered
upon partnering with God through Christ to join
in growing in love, securing peace, and showing mercy
and compassion to all.

You may also like Lectio Divina a focused reading and meditation of scripture. 

Virtues for Prayer Each Day of The Week:

love of God- Sunday                 
love of neighbor -Monday         
humility -Tuesday                     
self-denial -Wednesday and Friday
resignation and meekness -  Thursday
and thanksgiving - Saturday 
 Heitzenrater, Richard P. (2013-08-20). Wesley and the People Called Methodists

           * Find your quiet center, empty your mind, and be present
to hear the voice of God. Color, write in a journal, listen to music,
use prayer beads to help your focus. Concentrate upon what God
 is calling you to understand, change, make, explore…...

Sending Prayer
Lord may your love abide in my heart.
May your grace and Spirit be my guide and strength through this day.
Keep me grounded in faith and hope knowing peace and joy are your gifts.
Use me as a light for others to find their way and know your grace. Amen
Set a reminder to pray throughout the day.
Embrace the breath of prayer, release your burdens,
be thankful. Recall today’s readings, the Visio Divina
and meditate upon them and how they are affecting your day.

Provider of calming teas and uplifting coffees I pause into your Spirit
to gain the peace and purpose needed to quench my soul.
I settle into prayer to regain the focus of grace to continue in my day.
Pull me from anger, frustration, worry, and fear.
Direct me in promise, hope, trust, and redemption to live as I desire, devoted to you. Amen


Questions for Day that has Past 
It is important to reflect upon our day and where we may be more present
in our faith and more expressive in sharing what we know of God’s grace with others.
These questions are in response to what God begins within us.
God is the force to which we respond
God is first. We live in response to his love given through Christ.

Did I love God in prayer with thankfulness and openness?
How will I love God more tomorrow?
Did I love others and share the beauty of God?
Was I generous with my time and resources?
Did I grow in faith?
Did I grow in love for God and others today?
Did I extend the forgiveness of Christ that I desire to receive?
Did I take time to appreciate all God has provided?
Did I love God through creative praise?


God of rest and silent gloaming.
The winter winds howl and tremble urging our souls to respect and know your power.
The howling outside is only an echo of the turbulence within. I set down the useless, negative,
unloving attitudes and actions of this day. I recognize my failings and seek the peace found
through your compassion. The name of Christ consumes my heart as
I know the cost of your forgiveness. Your love through Christ brings peace in its power.

And the howling becomes the voice of grace calling to all upon the wind.  Amen

Thursday, January 4, 2018

January 7-14th, 2018

Daily Devotional Guide 
January 7-14th, 2018

is meditative/prayer practice that opens the heart and soul to connect with God through images.
What does this image speak to you about God’s gift of grace? Do the open hands speak to you?
Does the light connect with you? What is revealed about God, yourself, others through this image?

Lord of crystalline snow and crunchy tread, awaken my sight and path toward your love.
Open my heart and mind to grow in your word and understanding of myself, others, and Christ.
Bloom within me the warmth of your Holy Spirit that leads me on the way, on the only path of abundant life. Amen

Use an additional resource like the Upper Room or any devotionals you prefer.

It is winter in northern Indiana. The lake effect cycle of snow
is witnessing to its great power of producing endless amounts of work.
I was shoveling and snow blowing again this morning. 
A bright clear morning with soft flakes hurrying
to land upon concrete paths and steps. 
I had just finished and realized what I had accomplished 
was already waiting to be shoveled again. 
I filled the bird feeders and cleared a place on the ground 
for some seed and was moved to ponder. My mind scurried 
through thoughts of “Peanuts” and January snowflakes, of the beauty 
held in the moment,the birds gathering to feed, and my footprints. 
I considered the toil accomplished only to be repeated, and soon any evidence 
would be filled in and covered over. Only relics of salt, and seed 
buried beneath the snow would give evidence to my presence in that moment. 
But that is only the physical, earthbound indications.
The birds will return knowing the snow may cover the ground, 
but I exist for them beyond the eye.
They know me for what I have provided them, cared for them.
Are we looking for earthbound evidence from God 
only to find footprints gone in the storm?
Perhaps we need to dig down to discover the relics of love beneath the snow
and celebrate what he has provided, how he cares, love, forgives.
God exists beyond the eye and in the heart. Ann

You may also like Lectio Divina a focused reading and meditation of scripture.  


     Virtues for Prayer Each Day of The Week:

love of God- Sunday                  
love of neighbor -Monday         
humility -Tuesday                      
self-denial -Wednesday and Friday
resignation and meekness -  Thursday
and thanksgiving - Saturday 
 Heitzenrater, Richard P. (2013-08-20). Wesley and the People Called Methodists

           * Find your quiet center, empty your mind, and be present to hear the voice of God. Color,
 write in a journal, listen to music, use prayer beads to help your focus.
Concentrate upon what God is calling you to understand, change, make, explore…...

Grace and Peace abide within my heart. I praise you and am overwhelmed by your love for me.
I seek to grow in love today and to center more fully upon you, my Lord,
and upon Christ, my savior. I give you all that I am for you to use me,
 teach me, improve me through faith and grace. Amen
Set a reminder to pray throughout the day. Embrace the breath of prayer, release your burdens,
be thankful. Recall today’s readings, the Visio Divina and meditate upon them and how they are affecting your day.

Father of calming breath and gentle light,
I stop and pause to refocus, remember, and pray.
Bring to my thoughts your call for my day, the goal of love, and selfless life.
Take from me all that distorts and blocks my faith and leads me from love and grace. Amen


Questions for Day that has Past 
It is important to reflect upon our day and where we may be more present in our faith
and more expressive in sharing what we know of God’s grace with others.
These questions are in response to what God begins within us.
God is the force we respond to. God is first. We live in response to his love given through Christ.

Did I love God in prayer with thankfulness and openness?
How will I love God more tomorrow?
Did I love others and share the beauty of God?
Was I generous with my time and resources?
Did I grow in faith?
Did I grow in love for God and others today?
Did I extend the forgiveness of Christ that I desire to receive?
Did I take time to appreciate all God has provided?
Did I love God through creative praise?


Creator of the silent night.
The world is muffled beneath the blanket of snow.
A covering that brings clean -scapes to the eye and a nourishing for the soil.
I too am of soil and water made in your grace to love you, love all that is around me,
and to care for what you have created as me. Hel p me cast away the faults and failures
of this day and encourage me to grow and change. My seed hibernates 
to bloom anew tomorrow. Bring to me the rest, the peace, and light 
I need to grow in love as the day begins in your grace. Amen