Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Love Is Not

Devotional Guide
March 4th-11th
Love Is Not Jealous


is meditative/prayer practice that opens the heart and soul to connect with
God through images. How does this image speak to you about love?
Reading 1 Corinthians 13 :4 the description of love moves on to identify
what love is not. It is not jealous, boastful, or arrogant. How does this
image portray what love is not? If the little boy is God what should our
response be to his love? What child do imagine yourself being? What
do you need to examine through prayer to become patient and kind?
Visit this image throughout the week and ponder what message God is
revealing to you about how you need to change your love.


Morning light now dawning I praise
my God of grace through your beams
of joyful love. I praise the Lord of
creation and new life as the earth warms
and bulbs sprout. Enliven my heart
to grow in greater love and understanding
as I enter this time of prayer and
scripture. Amen

Use an additional resource like the Upper Room or any devotionals you prefer.

Grackles and Starlings

It is sometimes odd to discover what attitudes and views have
been embedded into us by others. My dad was a very accepting man.
 He always taught his children to value all people, to be kind, and respectful.
This week’s bird story comes from my dad. He enjoyed watching and teaching
me about birds. But, there were those darn grackles and starlings.
My dad seemed to hate those birds. Grandson Liam loves the grackles.
He finds their shiny black feathers and blue iridescence beautiful.
Recently the starlings showed up too. Dad’s voice echoed into my mind from the past.
“Those darn Starlings”. The binoculars revealed birds with jade colored spots
 in their camouflage mix of brown spots and stripes.
 I realized what ever my father’s hatred of these birds was,
 my experience was different. Liam and I should make our own
decisions about love and not blindly accept the attitudes of others
no matter how much we may love those people.
As we study about love and learn the patient service
and selfless attitude required to love well there is a necessity
 to overcome those embedded attitudes. We need to view the world
as our heavenly father does and not blindly accept the views
of our earthly parents, mentors, teachers, ….. Instead we follow
our brother Jesus and set aside jealousy, bragging, and boasting.
Because love isn’t about us and what we can get.
It is about Christ and how we can give and serve. Ann

You may also like Lectio Divina a focused reading and meditation of scripture. 

Virtues for Prayer Each Day of The Week:
love of God- Sunday                 
love of neighbor -Monday         
humility -Tuesday                     
self-denial -Wednesday and Friday
resignation and meekness -  Thursday
and thanksgiving - Saturday 
 Heitzenrater, Richard P. (2013-08-20). Wesley and the People Called Methodists

           * Find your quiet center, empty your mind,
and be present to hear the voice of God. Color, write in a journal,
listen to music, use prayer beads to help your focus.
 Concentrate upon what God is calling you to understand,
change, make, explore…...

Sending Prayer
 Lord you are my light and my salvation,
You lead your people on the path of truth
and mercy giving us compassion and your
abiding patience and kindness. Lead me forth
to love you in awe and wonder, to love others
with awe and wonder, and to experience all
that is contained within this day in grace. Amen

Set a reminder to pray throughout the day. Embrace the breath of prayer,
release your burdens, be thankful. Recall today’s readings,
the Visio Divina and meditate upon them
and how they are affecting your day.

Lord of abiding love and abundant life,
I pray in this pause of all my doings, work,
and responsibilities. I wait in your presence
beholding the warmth of your Holy Spirit
and surrendering my agenda, my hurts,
my disappointments to your power.
Guide me forward in your love, so that I
may live in bold love to others. Amen


Questions for Day that has Past 
It is important to reflect upon our day and where we may be more present
in our faith and more expressive in sharing what we know of God’s grace
 with others. These questions are in response to what God begins within us.
God is the force to which we respond God is first.
We live in response to his love given through Christ.

Did I love God in prayer with thankfulness and openness?
How will I love God more tomorrow?
Did I love others and share the beauty of God?
Was I generous with my time and resources?
Did I grow in faith?
Did I grow in love for God and others today?
Did I extend the forgiveness of Christ that I desire to receive?
Did I take time to appreciate all God has provided?
Did I love God through creative praise?



Father of the peaceful night, the day closes its eyes
as the night descends upon the earth. Close your eyes
to my failings and the hurt I have caused today. Look away
from my lack of love. Cast your eyes not on what I have
failed to do today but forgive my weakness. Instead seek
the strength and trust I have shown through your Spirit. Praise
the love I have shown in response to your grace and sacrifice. 
ord love me despite that which contains the darkness within me. 
Lord I pray for sleep that strengthens the body and renews my soul.
 Lead me in such strength of your spirit 
that I may prevail in your love tomorrow. Amen

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Love is Kind


 Devotional Guide 
February 25- March 4th 
Love Is Kind


is meditative/prayer practice that opens the heart and soul to connect with
God through images. How does this image speak to you about love?
Reading 1 Corinthians 13 the second description of love is kind.
what impressions come to you in this image.
What does this picture bring to your mind about kindness?
What do the hands mean to you and how do they connect with
being kind?


Lord, the cleansing waters of your creation flow and
buffet the world around. The violent torrents bring
fear to my heart before I remember your love and promise.
I pray the baptism of the earth brings forth joyous growth
and beauty in the spring. Guard all who fear, wash clean
all darkness and ground me in your loving grace. Amen

Use an additional resource like the Upper Room or any devotionals you prefer.

Love is Patient and Kind

I was at the grocery store and discovered that others perceive I am short. 
Like many other people between the 4’11” and 5’3” 
I don’t see myself as untall. My heart and determination
move me forward into the sea of all things out of reach 
with monkey climbing skills. I was employing my stretch 
and reach technique when I was asked if I needed help. 
The can in hand and squarely back upon both feet in glorious victory 
I declined with a smile. I was thankful for this kindness shown. 
A kindness wasted due to my Spiderman tendencies and reflexes.
In 1 Corinthians 13 Paul describes what characterizes love. 
Love is patient and love is kind. This love, agape, 
is an action of choice. A preference to choose God’s type of love. 
It is the love God prefers and is characteristic of God 
and the love we are called to work toward in all areas of our lives. 
Agape is active and living. Patient love is a love that waits 
and persists despite betrayal. This love God employs as he waits 
for us to redeem us. God’s kind agape is active. The kindness is merciful 
and in Hebrew is chesed or loving kindness. These are the actions 
of God that shower upon us in abundance as
he waits to redeem us from our shortcomings. 
Too often we decline God’s loving kindness and mercy. 
Too often we believe we are tall enough to
get along on our own. Too often we miss the love God has for us because
we are making our own way and not following God’s way.
Love is kind. It is active and helps. It is brave to serve, and brave to receive. Ann

You may also like Lectio Divina a focused reading and meditation of scripture. 

Virtues for Prayer Each Day of The Week:
love of God- Sunday                 
love of neighbor -Monday         
humility -Tuesday                     
self-denial -Wednesday and Friday
resignation and meekness -  Thursday
and thanksgiving - Saturday 
 Heitzenrater, Richard P. (2013-08-20). Wesley and the People Called Methodists

           * Find your quiet center, empty your mind,
and be present to hear the voice of God. Color, write in a journal, listen to music,
use prayer beads to help your focus. Concentrate upon what God is calling
 you to understand, change, make, explore…...

Sending Prayer
Father of the morning, the day, and the night
take me forward into this day cloaked in your Spirit
and grace. Set my mind to see and experience that which
is good and praise you in each moment. Fill me with
joy and kindness to serve those around me in their needs. Amen
Set a reminder to pray throughout the day.
Embrace the breath of prayer, release your burdens,
be thankful. Recall today’s readings, the Visio Divina and
meditate upon them and how they are affecting your day.

Lord, I come to you. I embrace your Spirit and with
holy breath seek you in prayer. Re-center and guide
me in those places I have strayed. Guide me in apologies,
or in service to others. I pray for your peace and path
that I may be in and providing your grace.
May peace be my strength and faith my vision.
Thank you, my Lord, of kindness and patience. Amen


Questions for Day that has Past 
It is important to reflect upon our day and where we may be more present
in our faith and more expressive in sharing what we know of
God’s grace with others. These questions are in response
to what God begins within us.
God is the force to which we respond God is first.
We live in response to his love given through Christ.

Did I love God in prayer with thankfulness and openness?
How will I love God more tomorrow?
Did I love others and share the beauty of God?
Was I generous with my time and resources?
Did I grow in faith?
Did I grow in love for God and others today?
Did I extend the forgiveness of Christ that I desire to receive?
Did I take time to appreciate all God has provided?
Did I love God through creative praise?


Lord of love and life, created on earth and eternal,
You bless me, and I fail to notice. You forgive me
and I continue to sin. You love me, and I ignore you.
Forgive my failures and my selfish cruelties. Lead
me in this life to grow in your grace and expand my
love, patience, and kindness. Bring me into this night
renewed and forgiven. Bring me into this night to dream
and rest in peace and grace that as I awake the new
day inspired by your love will guide me to live
and love better than within this day that has past. Amen

Friday, February 16, 2018

Daily Devotion Guide February 18-25

Daily Devotional Guide
February 18-25, 2018
1Corinthians 13

is meditative/prayer practice that opens the heart and soul to connect with
God through images. How does this image speak to you about faith, purpose?
Reading 1 Corinthians 13 the first description of love is patient.
what impressions come to you in relationship to this image.
What does this picture bring to your mind about patience?
Is the hourglass a positive or negative symbol of time?
How do describe God’s patience, your patience, what the
scripture reveals about patience?


Father in this winter morning you paint your world with black ink
on white paper. The images blur and soften in the smudgy light of
gauzy fog. Open my heart to the beauty of this day in its stark simplicity
and quiet purpose. I praise this day of gray shadows and droplet skies as
your gift of blessing and artistry. Guide in my devotions, readings,
and prayers to know you more deeply
and fully so that I can love grandly in the world. Amen

Use an additional resource like the Upper Room or any devotionals you prefer.

Fog Tag
Growing up in southern California the fog would roll in off the
ocean and cover the school playground in an unyielding cloud cover. In my memory
we could see only a few feet within the hanging mist.
We would play tag running into view only to be swallowed up only a few steps later.
The fog places us into a position of trust.
It is hard to navigate with little sight to what is ahead.
Our faith journeys remind us our need for God
and that we must rely on his guidance to see what is before us.
What I focused on the last few days was the call of God through Moses.
Come and know the Lord your God. A physical
 and organizational journey into the unknow.
In this our faith history God presented himself
as a cloud on Mt. Sinai and as a cloud that led the people during
the day as they walked the wilderness.
Once the Tabernacle/ Tent of presence was constructed the
 cloud remained within the tent. God’s presence was unreachable,
holy, set apart from the people. Through Jesus that separation has ended.
We are in the midst of God’s abiding presence. We are surrounded by
and infused with the Holy Spirit.
We are surrounded within the cloud of God’s presence.
All his people, nature, creation is held within the power of the mist of grace.
May you know God’s presence today in beauty and grace. Ann

You may also like Lectio Divina a focused reading and meditation of scripture. 

Virtues for Prayer Each Day of The Week:
love of God- Sunday                 
love of neighbor -Monday         
humility -Tuesday                      
self-denial -Wednesday and Friday
resignation and meekness -  Thursday
and thanksgiving - Saturday 
 Heitzenrater, Richard P. (2013-08-20). Wesley and the People Called Methodists

           * Find your quiet center, empty your mind, and be present
to hear the voice of God. Color, write in a journal, listen to music,
use prayer beads to help your focus. Concentrate upon what God
 is calling you to understand, change, make, explore…...

Sending Prayer
Lord, you bless me. I am full
encouraged and loved through your
grace and spirit. Guide my work.
my thoughts, my actions to be loving
and selfless. Keep me challenged to
see, know, and extend your love. Amen
Set a reminder to pray throughout the day.
Embrace the breath of prayer, release your burdens,
be thankful. Recall today’s readings, the Visio Divina and
meditate upon them and how they are affecting your day.

with great purpose and in other moments I
wander.  Bring to me Father the affirmations
and drive to do the work and ministry before me.
Awaken me to all that surrounds me that I may respond to
all your beauty with love. Amen


Questions for Day that has Past 
It is important to reflect upon our day and where we may be more present
in our faith and more expressive in sharing what
 we know of God’s grace with others.
These questions are in response to what God begins within us.
God is the force to which we respond God is first.
We live in response to his love given through Christ.

Did I love God in prayer with thankfulness and openness?
How will I love God more tomorrow?
Did I love others and share the beauty of God?
Was I generous with my time and resources?
Did I grow in faith?
Did I grow in love for God and others today?
Did I extend the forgiveness of Christ that I desire to receive?
Did I take time to appreciate all God has provided?
Did I love God through creative praise?


Father of quiet night and winter stars,
I thank you for the gift of this day. I confess
my disappointments, my failings, and weakness.
I pray for you to see the beauty of my life and
where I have tried to be that loving sacrifice
I vow to be. Guide my rest as I sleep, bring
me gentle dreams, that I may arise in strength
to serve you well tomorrow. Amen

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

February 11-18th, 2018

Daily Devotional Guide
February 11-18th, 2018
Mark 9:2-9

is meditative/prayer practice that opens the heart and soul to connect with
God through images. How does this image speak to you about faith, purpose?
Reading Mark 9:2-9
what impressions come to you in relationship to this image.
What does this painting reveal to you about the transfiguration?
About transformation? Does the white paint dripping and
running say anything about grace? Does the texture
convey something? What feelings do you get from this picture?
What do you think God is revealing to you?


Lord you are the song of my soul. I found you within me
your voice the sound of loving action, mercy, awareness,
creativity, light. Your song finds me in my day in the praises
of chirps, and barks, music, your word, and the loving words
of those around me. Teach me to be your song to others. Amen

Use an additional resource like the Upper Room or any devotionals you prefer.

Blinded by the Light
The transfiguration narrative found in Mark 9:2-9
has Peter, James, and John upon the mountain
when Moses and Elijah also appear. The light is
blinding! Jesus appears in a white so pure it defies
description. This section of scripture contains so many
theological goodies that are deeply profound in
understanding Jesus within our faith history through
Moses, and Elijah. But what about that light?
Jesus is changed in the light. God operates in the light.
The light is bright, painful to the eye, and transforming.
Yet the church is painted in darkness and shadow.
Society’s opinions and impressions of Christians belie
the light and speak of bigotry, prejudice,
and judgmental attitudes. God is in the light.
We are people of the light. The
true church is light. Let us be transformed
by the light that defies description. Ann

You may also like Lectio Divina a focused reading and meditation of scripture. 

Virtues for Prayer Each Day of The Week:
love of God- Sunday                 
love of neighbor -Monday         
humility -Tuesday                     
self-denial -Wednesday and Friday
resignation and meekness -  Thursday
and thanksgiving - Saturday 
 Heitzenrater, Richard P. (2013-08-20). Wesley and the People Called Methodists

           * Find your quiet center, empty your mind, and be present
to hear the voice of God. Color, write in a journal, listen to music,
use prayer beads to help your focus. Concentrate upon what God
 is calling you to understand, change, make, explore…...

Sending Prayer
Lord, comforter and inspirer of my soul
lead me into my day with courage and
adventure to experience the blessings
of this day with wonder and power. Amen
Set a reminder to pray throughout the day.
Embrace the breath of prayer, release your burdens,
be thankful. Recall today’s readings, the Visio Divina and
meditate upon them and how they are affecting your day.

Father of falling snow, I encounter the storms
of work that shower my life with demands,
and responsibilities, I pause to pray, connect,
and find peace amid the piles of work
and life. Change my sight to see the importance
of what I do, the lives that are changed by love,
and all the blessings you give. Change my
sight and heart to go into the remainder of
my day in hope, and truth to your abiding


Questions for Day that has Past 
It is important to reflect upon our day and where we may be more present
in our faith and more expressive in sharing what we know of God’s grace with others.
These questions are in response to what God begins within us.
God is the force to which we respond God is first.
We live in response to his love given through Christ.

Did I love God in prayer with thankfulness and openness?
How will I love God more tomorrow?
Did I love others and share the beauty of God?
Was I generous with my time and resources?
Did I grow in faith?
Did I grow in love for God and others today?
Did I extend the forgiveness of Christ that I desire to receive?
Did I take time to appreciate all God has provided?
Did I love God through creative praise?

Lent is the time between Ash Wednesday
and Good Friday. It is a time of reflection
and preparation for Easter-Christ’s and our
resurrections. Lent is a time when through
disciplined living God changes our earthly
nature. God leads many to fast from foods.
Others to fast from activities.
Some to add new or renew disciplines in
their daily lives. These are spiritual endeavors
to open ourselves to the Holy Spirit and become
aware and challenged to grow and be change.
It isn’t about rules, losing weight, getting fit,
or being perceived as pious. It is about soul,
love, God, and growth to be more like
the men and women God created us to be.
It is about being resurrected into new life. Ann


Lord of rod and staff, I look within in
connection with your spirit of power
and grace. I praise you for the gift
of Christ and the blessing of this day.
Forgive my selfishness, cruelties,
ignorance, and blindness. Lead me forward
in your truth and love. Change me. I pray
for the sleep of peace and rest that awakens
my soul and sight to your workings and
directions for my life. Amen