Tuesday, October 24, 2017

October 15-22

Daily Devotional Guide

October 15th-22nd, 2017

Matthew 22:1-14
I don’t want to go!
We are reminded in this parable of
our ability to be ungrateful and self-absorbed. The king issues a summons for those he calls to the wedding banquet for his son. Yet the guests find excuses not to attend and go so far as to kill the messengers. These “guests” will now live in squalor and outcasts by order of the king. The people of the streets good and bad are called to the feast. As the king surveys the crowd he notices one man, not dressed appropriately. This seeker of favor does not wear the inner light, the cloak of love, a humble and contrite spirit. He too will live his days in despair and separate from the glorious feast. Do we accept and heed God’s invitation of grace, do we in our new life begun in the Holy Spirit wear the correct attitude?
Do we find excuses not to attend, participate, serve, and love? Think about what you are missing in your life as you refuse to worship and grow in community and praise. What would it mean for you to respond to God and grow daily in love?


Meditate on scripture: return to the scripture that has resounded within you today. Hold it, look at it, ponder, meditate, and contemplate what it means for you, in your mind, heart, and actions. Take your time, make notes and think about what God is telling you today. Read as little or as much as you need to center in God’s inspiration for you. Too much in one sitting? Try New Testament in the Morning and OT at night.

One Year Bible
Daily Chronological Bible

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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

October 22-29, 2017



Matthew 22: 15-22
It’s Magic!
When I was a young girl my family and I went to see a magician named Doug Henning.  I remember being drawn into the performance of wonder and amazement as illusion after illusion seemed to defy the laws of the physical world. In our scripture we encounter leaders of the church becoming astounded by Jesus. Not by some illusion or trick, but through his insight.  We can tend to think of God as our own personal magician and desire that he transform the world and bring to us all we desire. The word amazed in the Greek can mean to introduce serious contemplation and thought. Give some thought to God as one who inspires serious thought, contemplation, and insight that will transform the heart to love and serve. That is magical and amazing.


Father of all creation the days are becoming shorter and the night a greater presence. I find hope and courage as the sun rises and light dispels all of the night before. I enter my time with you casting out all my darkness and seeking your light of grace and wonder. Open me, slay me, rebuild me today through your word and spirit. Amen

Use an additional resource like the Upper Room or any devotionals you prefer.   Upper Room

Today I ponder all the natural disasters that seem to be destroying our world. Hurricanes, tornados, and fires are taking their toll upon our physical world. These destructions are of the world that man has built. Homes, communities, and monuments are glories to man, not God. In the aftermath of these events the precious realization is thankfulness to remain alive with friends and family spared. God has created the earth to continue creating. Forests will grow again; tides and water will recede.  I welcome you to ponder with me what this means, as we work to help those who have been displaced, rebuild communities and infrastructure what is it we need to rebuild in our own lives and communities.? Is it that sense pf precious thankfulness, an attitude of forgiveness, acceptance, or a renewal of our faith commitment to grow. Is it a new energy for service in truth and justice in God’s grace?



love of God (Sunday),
love of neighbor (Monday),
humility (Tuesday),
self-denial (Wednesday and Friday),
resignation and meekness (Thursday),
and thanksgiving (Saturday).
Heitzenrater, Richard P. (2013-08-20). Wesley and the People


      * Find your quiet center, empty your mind, and be present to hear the voice
       of God. Color, write in a journal, listen to music, use prayer beads to help
       your focus. Concentrate upon what God is calling you to understand,
       change, make, explore…...

Holy Lord of all grace and mercy, I am but a child in understanding your ways and love. Lead me to live in deeper realization of your truth and power that I may become the image of your love to others. Inspire my heart to share my love for you as I do with the excitement of human love. Guide my steps from harm and hurting others, but lead me only in strength of faith and in your grace. Amen

Set a reminder to pray throughout the day. Embrace the breath of prayer,
release your burdens, be thankful. Recall the readings of
this day and contemplate how they are affecting your day.

Father of my life I breathe in your presence as one drowning in this world of stress and busyness. I stop to gain perspective of this day and align priorities for effectiveness and success. Bring me focus, and peace in my work, and in my leisure. Guide my steps in love and in selflessness.  Amen

Lord of my everything I come to you to discern my day. Open my understandings and lead my goals to grow in holy love. Let my awareness be constructive and life giving as I seek to live more fully in your love. Amen

Questions for Day that has Past
1. Did I take time to be in prayer with God and to be thankful for his mercies and blessings?
2. What are my goals tomorrow to be more connected to the Divine?
3. Did I in some way share the beauty of God to others through my words or actions?
4. Was I generous with my time and resources?
5. Did I challenge myself in faith?
6. Did I grow in love for God and others today?
7. Did I extend the forgiveness that I desire to receive?
8. Did I take time to be present and enjoy all God has provided?
9. Did I sing, be creative, or dedicate some act of praise to God?


Beautiful creator, lead me to sleep in gratefulness and peace. Bring to my thoughts the gentle moments of this day. The moments of beauty and sweetness. Take from me my confessions and regrets and let them pass from me as I trust you, Christ, and spirit. Bless me with dreams of love, beauty, and strength that I may awake in greater love and purpose in your grace. Amen

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

October 8-15

Daily Devotional Guide
October 8th-15th, 2017


Matthew 21:33-46  

Are fences designed to keep things in, or something out?
We know that they can do both. As a church are we serving Christ or are we building barriers? We must be careful in our understanding of scripture. The vineyard is always God’s.
We are called to tend it, and open the gate that Christ will lead his church.


Meditate on scripture: return to the scripture that has resounded within you today. Hold it, look at it, ponder, meditate, and contemplate what it means for you, in your mind, heart, and actions. Take your time, make notes and think about what God is telling you today. Read as little or as much as you need to center in God’s inspiration for you. Too much in one sitting? Try New Testament in the Morning and OT at night.



Lord of yellow cream skies and warm blankets, I awake to the gift of this day.
A day of growing light and growing heart. I open my eyes, and my inner self to
the wisdom and grace found in your word. I empty myself of expectation and
welcome the Holy Spirit of love and Christ to infuse my
being in your divine presence, Amen


Use an additional resource like the Upper Room or any devotionals you prefer.

My friend Stephanie was telling me about her night time routine. When she gets home at night she needs to make sure the chickens are back in the fence. During the day they like to get out of their captivity and take in the free-range options and sit on top of their coop. But the chickens don’t understand the night time dangers and the predators that await these free rangers. Do you have fences that you are bound and determined to scale and find freedom? Are these fences barriers of opportunity or nets of safety? Many fear Christianity is about being fenced in and a loss of freedom, it is the chain link of God providing us the safety we need to find peace and love and freedom from fear and death. 


love of God (Sunday),
love of neighbor (Monday),
humility (Tuesday),

self-denial (Wednesday and Friday),
resignation and meekness (Thursday),
and thanksgiving (Saturday).

Heitzenrater, Richard P. (2013-08-20). Wesley and the People Called Methodists: Abingdon Press. Kindle Edition.

      * Find your quiet center, empty your mind, and be present to hear the voice
       of God. Color, write in a journal, listen to music, use prayer beads to help
       your focus. Concentrate upon what God is calling you to understand,
       change, make, explore…... 


I close this time of prayer and divine connection to live this day
in continued peace and loving power. Creator, guide my steps,
my words, my hands that they may be your will, your love,
and your work. Amen


Set a reminder to pray throughout the day. Embrace the breath of prayer,
release your burdens, be thankful. Recall the readings of
this day and contemplate how they are affecting your day.

King of peace and grace, I stop to recognize your presence in my day.
I breathe within me the breath of life and Spirit. The air fills my lungs,
and your spirit follows each molecule of air into my every cell.
I am alive in faith and love enveloped in your grace, generosity,
and forgiveness. Amen


Questions for Day that has Past

Did I take time to be in prayer with God and to be thankful for his mercies and blessings?
What are my goals tomorrow to be more connected to the Divine?
Did I in some way share the beauty of God to others through my words or actions?
Was I generous with my time and resources?
Did I challenge myself in faith?
Did I grow in love for God and others today?
Did I extend the forgiveness that I desire to receive?
Did I take time to be present and enjoy all God has provided?
Did I create, or dedicate some act of praise to God?



Majestic God, the color of this day is fading into grays and deep blues
as the final reds of the day descend beyond the horizon. Before me
I lay my failings of this day, and I pray for your forgiveness.
Lead me toward the land beyond my sight into the warmth of peaceful sleep.
Relieve my burdened mind, and heart with your unending grace
and mercy and prepare me for the light of tomorrow. Amen

Monday, October 2, 2017

October 1-8, 2017

 Daily Devotional Guide

October 1st-8th, 2017


Father of the dawning day, I come to awaken in prayer to your presence, and power.
I am destroyed by your love for me and the beauty that surrounds me.
I await the blessings of your grace and forgiveness that I may live more immersed in love. Amen

Use an additional resource like the Upper Room or any devotionals you prefer.

How many times do we tell ourselves that we need to: exercise, eat better, get more sleep, read, etc…… and we stall right there? We know thinking about exercise will not make us more fit. We must do the exercise. As Christians, it is not enough to claim our Christianity. We must be Christians. We must pray, study, share, and live in grace. We get caught up in other things and give God only a passing glance. Being Christian is about being transformed daily to love deeper, and greater and more fully and doing the work to love, forgive, and accept others like God does for us.


Daily One Year Bible Reading
Daily Chronological Bible Reading


love of God (Sunday), 
love of neighbor (Monday), 
humility (Tuesday), 
self-denial (Wednesday and Friday), 
resignation and meekness (Thursday), 
and thanksgiving (Saturday). 

Heitzenrater, Richard P. (2013-08-20). Wesley and the People Called Methodists: Abingdon Press. Kindle Edition.


* Find your quiet center, empty your mind, and be present to hear the voice
of God. Color, write in a journal, listen to music, use prayer beads to help
your focus. Concentrate upon what God is calling you to understand,
change, make, explore…...

The day ahead holds the power of adventure and promise.
I pray Lord, that the blessings and graces of this day inspire
my gratitude and a devotion of my love to you seen through
how I love and serve your people, Amen.

Set a reminder to pray throughout the day.
Embrace the breath of prayer, release your burdens, be thankful.

God of blessing and strength I thank you for my opportunities,
and work. I thank you for the ideas, and stamina I receive through
faith to do the work of this day. I give you my fears and worries,
and the shortcomings of my pride, and self-focused concerns.
I submit them to you and seek the horizon of peace.
I seek your divine perspective of love and gratefulness as
I continue through the day. Remind me to focus on love and
understanding of others despite myself and my own desires.


Questions for Day that has Past

  1. Did I take time to be in prayer with God and to be thankful for his mercies and blessings?
  2. What are my goals tomorrow to be more connected to the Divine?
  3. Did I in some way share the beauty of God to others through my words or actions?
  4. Was I generous with my time and resources?
  5. Did I challenge myself in faith?
  6. Did I grow in love for God and others today?
  7. Did I extend the forgiveness that I desire to receive?
  8. Did I take time to be present and enjoy all God has provided?
  9. Did I sing, be creative, or dedicate some act of praise to God?


Creator and sustainer, as your design of velvet darkness and gentle silence takes over
the light I pray to you. As the work of the world and of the body transform to rest
I give you all my worries and stresses. I confess my disappointments in myself and
the unrealized expectations of others. I settle into your mighty Spirit that is my
comfort and my peace and trust your Word of sustaining grace. As I sleep bring rest
and restoration to my mind and body, that I may rise to the new beginnings
of tomorrow with everlasting faith and promise. Amen